Wow! I really like your design! The colors are very nice! Please check out mine!
2021-03-29 13:19:20Наблюдаю разноцветье кубинского стиля...)))))! Праздник цвета!!! Думаю. ознакомившись с такой яркой работой. у всех появится праздничный настрой!)
2021-03-29 20:39:09the colours definitely make this design crazy! i love the grass wall - i also did a grass wall! it looks so tropical and fun and i love the orange carpet and the 2 shelves you put next to each other! well done and good luck. please see mine.
2021-03-30 17:38:04Thanks a lot K
2021-04-01 11:42:00Thanks a lot Ольга
2021-04-01 11:42:31Thanks a lot The Genius Of Design
2021-04-01 11:42:52Thanks a lot Baraa
2021-04-01 11:43:10Wcześniej zarejestrowałeś się za pomocą tych adresów e-mail:
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