I really like the rustic theme and the green color scheme. Also the placement of the furniture is really nice. The only thing that I don’t like is the wood walls. But overall I love it and I will vote for you! Good job! Please give me some feedback about my project thanks!
2021-03-22 01:11:08Hi , i think is very nice i like the green theme but i'm not seeing th lighting
2021-03-22 01:55:10thx
2021-03-22 03:15:01I absolutely love the colour scheme! It’s so relaxing and pretty! Please can you check mine out by clicking on my name :-)
2021-03-22 20:30:25thank u
2021-03-22 20:36:32This looks very unique! I love the style. Please check out my work if you have a minute
2021-03-22 22:06:46thx
2021-03-22 23:34:40I’m really getting the nature vibes
2021-03-22 23:59:17thx
2021-03-23 01:31:54BTW my render of my project for voting might be a bit confusing since it was hard to move the view around to get the right position.
2021-03-23 01:32:56Wow I love this bro, this green and wood theme is really giving me great vibes, and I REALLY loooove the wood on the walls. I adore the way the furniture it set up! Great job and good luck! Feel free to come see mine! :)
2021-03-23 05:22:42I think you did great! The teal is so pretty. Please see mine!
2021-03-23 13:08:20this is very nice i love the green you did
2021-03-23 15:37:11I like the green color, but, to make it even better I would add more light fixtures or add some more things to the wall. But over all I like it!
2021-03-26 15:14:25absolutely love the green. Comment on mine by pressing my name please
2021-03-26 15:32:09Wcześniej zarejestrowałeś się za pomocą tych adresów e-mail:
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