Riccardo Neresine

Komentarze (5)

Milica G.

It's a great idea to have those arrows on a hallway walls!

2020-07-30 08:36:55
Riccardo Neresine

As always, the intent is to make it functional as well as beautiful. The closet is positioned near the sleeping area and the fridge placed in that position does not reduce the livability of the environment. The arrows are a whim: D

2020-07-30 15:21:28

Hello, please check my project in page 16 https://planner5d.com/fr/contests/works/?page=16 And Renders : https://planner5d.com/storage/s/57a8aacbdc073fb8d38ef40af5579de4_3515677.jpg?v=1595875100 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/57a8aacbdc073fb8d38ef40af5579de4_3515677.jpg?v=1595875100 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/57a8aacbdc073fb8d38ef40af5579de4_3515679.jpg?v=1595875776 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/57a8aacbdc073fb8d38ef40af5579de4_3515685.jpg?v=1595876427 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/57a8aacbdc073fb8d38ef40af5579de4_3515690.jpg?v=1595877051 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/57a8aacbdc073fb8d38ef40af5579de4_3515704.jpg?v=1595878336 And please just leave your page number in my comment project with your renders and i will for sur give you a feedback more specific

2020-07-30 23:10:32
User 10802606

2020-07-31 02:32:02
User 13726813

2020-08-02 00:48:06