hey I like your design if you have time go and vote for me on page number 3 I will definitely leave you the vote
2020-07-27 03:24:12Que paredes tan brillantes! Creo que el color de un los muebles no es el indicado ya que se pierden un poco. Pero me gusta la idea de las cortinas para dividir la recámara
2020-07-27 03:57:03Interesting colour scheme! The layout's pretty neat too!
2020-07-27 04:12:19I think yours is AMAZING! Come vote me on Page 8, I vote you, you vote me!! I REALLY want to get to the top 5 so, pls get me there. STAY SAFE! Thanks! ;-)
2020-07-27 11:06:36Awesome p.lease vote me
2020-07-27 16:51:38Hello, please check my project in page 16 https://planner5d.com/fr/contests/works/?page=16 And Renders : https://planner5d.com/storage/s/57a8aacbdc073fb8d38ef40af5579de4_3515677.jpg?v=1595875100 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/57a8aacbdc073fb8d38ef40af5579de4_3515677.jpg?v=1595875100 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/57a8aacbdc073fb8d38ef40af5579de4_3515679.jpg?v=1595875776 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/57a8aacbdc073fb8d38ef40af5579de4_3515685.jpg?v=1595876427 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/57a8aacbdc073fb8d38ef40af5579de4_3515690.jpg?v=1595877051 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/57a8aacbdc073fb8d38ef40af5579de4_3515704.jpg?v=1595878336
2020-07-27 20:06:04love the lay out
2020-07-27 22:28:04That's a bold move, my friend! but it works! Love the dedication to the single idea. The space is well divided. It doesn't seem forced. The colours took all the attention but the placing of the furniture is also one of the best I have seen till now! Do check out mine if you have the time. It's on page 19, the last one. Would love to get some feedback! Cheers!
2020-07-28 21:59:58Ow wow! Orange and dark blue is not as bad as i think. It work out. Nice layout too. Check out mine in PAGE 9 if you have time and comment your opinion. I will really appreciate it. Thanks
2020-07-31 02:16:45nice orange ande blue i voted for u pls vote for me on page 18, and read my comment so u will understand
2020-07-31 17:06:35Wcześniej zarejestrowałeś się za pomocą tych adresów e-mail:
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