Very nice layout! Please visit my project, and vote for me when voting starts! Thank you!
2020-07-27 02:12:04hey I like your design if you have time go and vote for me on page number 3 I will definitely leave you the vote
2020-07-27 03:26:14Me gustan muchas ideas de tu proyecto en pero no creo que las lavadoras vayan bien en la sala. Es lo único :)
2020-07-27 03:46:10I think yours is AMAZING! Come vote me on Page 8, I vote you, you vote me!! I REALLY want to get to the top 5 so, pls get me there. STAY SAFE! Thanks! ;-)
2020-07-27 11:02:27Hello, please check my project in page 16 And Renders :
2020-07-27 19:59:10this is nice, but there is too much brown, but it's personnal, nice job
2020-07-27 20:04:33its soooooooooooooo nice pls vote 4 me on page 10
2020-07-28 21:01:20It was a bold choice going monochromatic but you pulled it off!!! All I am wondering is why are there 2 washing machines behind the sofa? oHHH or is it a dryer, if yes then hats off you to again! :P Do check out mine if you have the time. It's on page 19, the last one. Would love to get some feedback! Cheers!
2020-07-28 21:50:46Hi! I love the color scheme very modern. Check out mine in PAGE 9 if you have time and comment your opinion. I will really appreciate it. Thanks
2020-07-31 01:49:56Super cool project I love it check out mine on page one!
2020-07-31 12:44:22rly like it i voted for u pls vote for me on page 18, and read my comment so u will understand
2020-07-31 17:02:32Inħobb it-temi kannella. Dan żgur huwa l-appartament fejn noqgħod. Is-suġġeriment tiegħi huwa li tbiddel il-wallpaper minn ġewwa u minn barra. Iċċekkja l-paġna 64 tiegħi u ħallini kumment! Grazzi ħafna;)
2020-08-01 07:10:37Please like my planner and vote! I voted for you! Click onto my name to vote for meee!
2020-08-02 14:25:22Please like my planner and vote! I voted for you! Click onto my name to vote for meee!
2020-08-02 14:25:25Please like my planner and vote! I voted for you! Click onto my name to vote for meee!
2020-08-02 14:25:28Please like my planner and vote! I voted for you! Click onto my name to vote for meee!
2020-08-02 14:25:31Please like my planner and vote! I voted for you! Click onto my name to vote for meee!
2020-08-02 14:25:35Wcześniej zarejestrowałeś się za pomocą tych adresów e-mail:
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