Not bad, pls check out mine on page 5
2021-03-08 01:56:57Thank you
2021-03-08 02:08:21good but the cabinets are sticked to the door. pls check mines on page 15
2021-03-08 04:06:45Okay not bad!But why is the Kitchen in front of the door.Not really good!
2021-03-08 11:34:45cool check mine out on page 32 i think
2021-03-08 13:54:56I like it, but the door is blocked
2021-03-08 16:07:26It’s nice but empty and like doggy said the door is blocked, please check mine out by clicking on my name:-)
2021-03-08 17:02:35Hello, i like your project but i feel you can do better. There is a door although you have blocked it with the kitchen.I love the colors and the feel of the room, but i think you can make it look better by putting more light colors and changing fabric colors from the original. It's very roomy, that's how i like to style my rooms. Well im going to wrap up my review and move an to others' projects .If you want you can see mine by clicking my name, Goodbye and thank you if you check out my project!!
2021-03-08 20:33:10Hi I absolutely love your project, I love the colors you used and your project is so unique and I will be sure to vote for this project! Please go check out my project on page 154!
2021-03-08 23:23:08I agree with Doggy, Your kitchen set is blocking the door. You also have way too much space left.
2021-03-09 14:14:49its a little empty you need to pod more things rigth there. but its grate pliss see my proyects
2021-03-09 15:25:10its not very nice, no offense!
2021-03-09 18:06:52that's rude, you know
2021-03-09 18:42:44yups door is blocked
2021-03-09 23:33:10it is okay uwu
2021-03-09 23:58:50thank you guys
2021-03-09 23:59:21thanks freya
2021-03-10 00:01:56check out my team
2021-03-10 00:18:37
2021-03-10 00:18:57I like it but the door is blocked. Please look my design on page 13
2021-03-10 04:11:08thx jason
2021-03-10 06:22:28CHiken wing nice project
2021-03-11 17:06:07hi
2021-03-11 17:08:24I like it
2021-03-11 17:08:41hiii nice prodject
2021-03-11 17:09:31hi
2021-03-11 17:13:31hi jacob and charles
2021-03-12 00:48:18hi nice project
2021-03-12 17:10:47cool buut i agree with freya no offense
2021-03-13 04:11:07wow really good job
2021-03-13 15:24:03wow really good job i love it
2021-03-13 15:25:35привет, мне нравится этот дизайн, он такой красивый, мне нравятся хорошо сделанные цвета, и удачи, также, пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с моим проектом !!!!!!!!!
2021-03-14 04:42:32Wcześniej zarejestrowałeś się za pomocą tych adresów e-mail:
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