It wouldn't let me add a description so here it is. The theme for this room is purple, and I tried to use a few different shades of it. I wasn't super sure about this project, but I did better then I expected. Please comment any feedback!
2021-03-04 00:12:40OMG this is cute:D Love the colors. And the walls:D
2021-03-04 00:58:34Thanks so much!
2021-03-04 01:24:06I like it. First, thanks for the comment on my design. Next I think you did a really good job. There are a lot of different colors and patterns but I think it works. I like how the tub seems to fit in the back of the bathroom. And how there are little things on the side of the tub. My advise for next time would be..... maybe try to make it a bit more pastel. For me it is always a little frustrating when people are told to make a pastel bathroom and make a black bathroom instead. ( I am not saying you are one of those people because I think you did good with the pastel.) My other advise would be try to match things. Like pick a colors combination and own it. Like with mine, I did pastel purple and white. With your it is a bit hard to look at because nothing is coordinated. Thanks for listening and I hope that this doesn't insult you because your design is great. ~Morning Dew~
2021-03-04 14:06:12Ok, thanks so much! And no, I am not offended. I will never get better without criticism.
2021-03-04 14:30:52I love the colors! next time I think you should have solid colored walls. comment mine by pressing by name please
2021-03-04 16:32:56Everything fits but I think you should have changed the colors of some stuff to make it match better. Otherwise its really good :) and thank you for your comment
2021-03-04 23:55:42Thanks to both of you for your kind comments!
2021-03-05 00:51:56The room looks separated in a way, but it ties together. I don't like the wallpaper it looks dated the room gives me a 1960's- 1980's vibe. Personally, I would have not chosen purple, but it works. The tiling is not my favorite and I don't think it matches the wallpaper, but it does match the vanity/sink. It's very light and almost lavender colored. I like how the black looks and is crisp/ clean but I don't think it matches the wallpaper which throws everything off. I like how the tub area looks, great! Overall the colors tie together but the wallpaper throws it off. Please check out my design, make sure to comment! Great job!
2021-03-06 01:39:40Ok, Thanks!
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