Kambarys stalo žaidimams

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Cat builder

Comments (2)


Hi! I'll vote for you if you vote mine. Here's my link https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/9129 and comment down your link so I can vote for you! Thank you❤️

2020-07-03 11:53:58
Bruce Harris

Colors don't really make a room fill up. Furniture placement is essential and needs to be explored to the fullest to find a flow or develop character. The furniture selection this round was limited but I couldn't do anything with that last kitchen design so I stayed out. I felt like the casino games and workout equipment were just there in the selection as wrong answers. https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/9851 is my entry and I felt like the room wasn't big enough for the pool table so I did something different. Comment and like if you do like or would change anything.

2020-07-03 12:37:52