Valentino diena artėja!

Suprojektuokite miegamąjį Valentinos dienos proga.


Comments (1)


I love window seats and put them in any chance I get. The app was bugging so I was losing stuff as fast as I could replace them. So I am missing the pillow on one of the chairs. It was there before. I tried to remove the wall paper with no luck in the corner and the rug did not want to flip around nor change size of print however, I am still happy with the outcome and I enjoyed doing the Valentine's room. I would love that bed frame and it looks like it's ready to jump into. Next; I loved the heart mirrors, the heart pillows and the comfy couch. Overall; I enjoyed creating this dream room. A bottle of wine, glasses and a throw would've been a great addition for the Valentines' room. I'd like to see someone create a treehouse or a container home for the contests. Tiny homes is my thing. I did like doing the studio as well. Please enjoy looking at my other entered plans. I got a little over zealous with the last one but it doesn't matter if you're having fun. :)

2021-02-14 11:46:52