Kambarys stalo žaidimams

Suprojektuokite svetainę susitikimams su šeima ir draugais, kurioje bus žaidžiami stalo žaidimai.

Katniss Everdeen

Comments (25)


Wow its so cool, come see mine and comment, and when voting starts vote me! I really want to get to the top 5! Thanks! :)

2020-06-29 00:45:58
Planner 5D

your planner is so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and please vote me for am 12clock please!!

2020-06-29 12:02:23

wow! its amazing! i will definitely vote for u, when voting starts, please could u check mine out and vote for me. here is a render of my project https://planner5d.com/storage/s/038c4610254fcd98c8145ef22e8c1718_1.jpg?v=1593437564 if u like it, then dont forget to vote for me. https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/9166

2020-06-29 18:39:31
some person

Don't love the tiling on the floor but I like the setup. Please check mine out https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/9286/

2020-06-29 20:13:46
no one

Your sofas facing the door look very good. If you want look at minehttps://planner5d.com/contests/detail/9350

2020-06-30 02:45:22

love it !!!ill vote 4 u pls vote and comment 4 me thank u https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/9150

2020-06-30 09:24:28

i love it AMAZING

2020-06-30 13:54:52

wow! i love it its sooooooooo awsome i can just imagine myself relaxing in the comfy sofas and having a blast im definitely voting for you pls vote 4 me https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/9234

2020-06-30 20:54:14

LOVE IT. I like the open area so its not over crowded

2020-06-30 23:52:35

The color you used gives me the impression of luxury;) very good work. Well done. I would appreciate it if you would visit mine and leave a comment or suggestion;) Here is my link to my project https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/8968 And here are the links to my renders https://planner5d.com/gallery/ideas/SZ9AK/ https://planner5d.com/gallery/ideas/SZ9AG/ https://planner5d.com/gallery/ideas/SZ9AH/

2020-07-01 00:25:39
Happy doggy

I love it I would love to sit down and relax in your cozy room. All the colors match well and I will vote for you. Please leaave a suggestion and vote on mine I will vote for you when it opens. Here is my link. https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/9146

2020-07-01 00:36:05
User 9755913

I really like your project !!!!! I will vote for you !!!!! Vote for me, please !!! https://planner5d.com/ru/contests/detail/9595/?key=ea69910179660606e49f6a5fdd2f981e

2020-07-01 09:04:14

Sofás atrapalhando a entrada. Piso não combina com a cor dos sofás, da mobília e parde. Ou uso piso com cores forte ou a parede. Mas não os dois juntos

2020-07-01 20:50:49
Sarah K.

OMG I love ur project i am soo voting 4 u, pls check out my project, leave a comment, and vote if u like! I love the way u placed the furniture, and also the matching colours!!!

2020-07-02 08:23:33
Sarah K.

I am on page 6 by the way

2020-07-02 08:23:43
Mackenzie Fraser

I'm not to keen on the flooring, if it was black and white then maybe...come see mine and don't forget to comment and vote for me! https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/9227

2020-07-02 20:11:21

empty but nice https://planner5d.com/fr/contests/detail/9826

2020-07-02 20:37:17

Hi! I'll vote for you if you vote mine. Here's my link https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/9129 and comment down your link so I can vote for you! Thank you❤️

2020-07-03 00:10:55
Sarah K.

I voted 4 u, pls vote 4 me I am on page 6

2020-07-03 06:35:08
just_another_ theater_kid


2020-07-03 08:13:45

hi! i love it i voted 4 u pls vote 4 me https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/9234

2020-07-03 10:58:50

i voted 4 u pls vote 4 me https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/9150

2020-07-03 11:17:53
Shamroc fion


2020-07-03 12:47:40

wow! i really like it! i voted for u. here is a render of my project https://planner5d.com/storage/s/038c4610254fcd98c8145ef22e8c1718_1.jpg?v=1593437564 if u like it, please vote for me https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/9166 thank you

2020-07-03 12:50:58
User 10840096

2020-07-03 20:09:52