Mergaitės miegamasis

Suprojektuokite miegamąjį mergaitei, kurioje bus miego zona, vieta mokslui, žaislų ir knygų saugojimui. Sienų spalva turi likti baltos spalvos.

Best Designer

Comments (6)


cute room! do you want to vote/like mine to?

2020-06-18 15:33:03
Gracie Kent

I love the picture! Please come check out my design here and leave a comment so I know you stopped by!

2020-06-18 15:39:23

I love it! vote for me and I will vote for you! I'm on page 4!!

2020-06-18 16:12:49

I loved your project, very beautiful. I liked your project because it follows the rules. Take a look at my project too.

2020-06-19 13:22:01

Love the color palette and room layout! Just voted for you. Vote for me on the bottom of pg 70.

2020-06-21 17:35:08
Best Designer

i will vote for anyone who votes for me

2020-06-22 15:17:57