Mergaitės miegamasis

Suprojektuokite miegamąjį mergaitei, kurioje bus miego zona, vieta mokslui, žaislų ir knygų saugojimui. Sienų spalva turi likti baltos spalvos.


Comments (5)

Gracie Kent

I love your corner desk! Please come check out my design here and leave a comment with your thoughts!

2020-06-16 21:54:23

Hi, I just wanted to say that I love that you put a floating bed! please come check out my room using this link

2020-06-16 21:54:53

wow! i love it! its really good and all the colours match i would love to have such a bedroom! im definitely voting for u pls vote 4 me

2020-06-18 13:31:01
Born to be Wild

2020-06-19 07:11:27
Jonh Smith

Wonderful 100% pliz like l am only 10 so l failed to change the colors of a lot of things

2020-06-21 18:35:43