Suprojektuokite miegamąjį mergaitei, kurioje bus miego zona, vieta mokslui, žaislų ir knygų saugojimui. Sienų spalva turi likti baltos spalvos.
I love the unique floor and wallpaper. Please come check out my design on page 2.
2020-06-16 16:00:05Thank u so much
2020-06-16 16:02:29This is okay-ish i mean it is a bit to bright for me and i don't think that a girl would be able to get the beauty sleep that she needs but overall i'd say that you did a very good job!
2020-06-17 10:30:52HELLO SUCKER ITS ME AGAIN!
2020-06-17 16:00:12I cant tell you what to do u r right, but I can make your life tricky, I can brag to other people saying that you keep hurting their feelings, and I have proof, so say what you what and keep hurting other peoples feelings, but I will keep an eye on you....
2020-06-17 16:02:08MY EYES!!! DEY BURN!! DEY BURN SO BAD!!! SO. MANY. PATTERNS!!!!
2020-06-17 22:38:51@-@
2020-06-17 22:38:57soo true!
2020-06-18 09:39:03same
2020-06-18 10:14:58X l P X
2020-06-18 10:16:26well that din't work...
2020-06-18 10:16:49yeah totay
2020-06-18 10:59:39wow! i love it! its really good and all the colours match i would love to have such a bedroom! im definitely voting for u pls vote 4 me
2020-06-18 13:15:01ok Sarah Schulz Kalil if all ur going to do is to tell everyone that there project is bad just leave people alone. I told what i thought ok.
2020-06-18 18:16:26I didn't tell everyone by the way just my best friend Ok? And.. You can't make me not to tell everyone what you did, sometimes its best not to be honest even if its sometimes right to do...
2020-06-19 09:05:20AND????????????? I DON"T CARE OK!!!
2020-06-19 17:26:24Sure, I voted 4 you
2020-06-20 07:53:28i will not vote for u
2020-06-21 02:27:04sure i dont care
2020-06-21 15:35:09I voted 4 u pls vote 4 me
2020-06-21 20:32:59Ieškokite įkvėpimo ir vizualizuokite savo idėjas naudodamiesi paprastu namų projektavimo įrankiu, kad svajonių namai taptų realybe
Pritraukite klientus, atgaivinkite jų erdvę naudodami vizualizavimo įrankius, 4K atvaizdus ir stulbinančias dirbtinio intelekto dizaino technologijas.
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Ieškokite įkvėpimo ir vizualizuokite savo idėjas naudodamiesi paprastu namų projektavimo įrankiu, kad svajonių namai taptų realybe
Pritraukite klientus, atgaivinkite jų erdvę naudodami vizualizavimo įrankius, 4K atvaizdus ir stulbinančias dirbtinio intelekto dizaino technologijas.
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