Mergaitės miegamasis

Suprojektuokite miegamąjį mergaitei, kurioje bus miego zona, vieta mokslui, žaislų ir knygų saugojimui. Sienų spalva turi likti baltos spalvos.

Darina Doncheva

Comments (9)

Ryavkina Daria Evgenievna

hi, I'm on page 1! vote for me! on the day of voting write me Hello and I will vote for you

2020-06-16 15:50:51
Gracie Kent

I like your array of picures. Please come check out my design on page 2 or here

2020-06-16 16:17:20

Great one, please come check mine

2020-06-17 08:24:12

wow! i love it! its really good and all the colours match i would love to have such a bedroom! im definitely voting for u pls vote 4 me

2020-06-18 13:13:13

Your project is very beautiful, very cozy. You will definitely win mine as you start. My project is on page 16

2020-06-18 13:59:52
Emma Wilson

Wow!! I love this room! It is very simple, yet has its own personality to it. Go check out my bedroom as well!

2020-06-19 01:52:18

Good job! I love yellow and it is so vibrant! I loved that you didnt go over the top with the yellow, i think it is very pleasant to look at it. Also, i love the paintings hanged in the wall. Nice! I voted for you. Please see my project and vote for me if you like it. Thank you.

2020-06-19 03:58:14
Born to be Wild

Your design is lovely. I have voted for it. Do check out my deisgn & vote for it if you find it nice :-)

2020-06-19 06:56:33

I voted 4 u pls vote 4 me

2020-06-21 20:26:09