Suprojektuokite vaiko miegamąjį, kurioje bus zona miegui ir mokslui bei vieta žaislams. Pagrindinės spalvos - pilka ir geltona.
Nothing it looks good
2021-01-12 00:33:52This room looks really nice and my only advice would be that sometimes it's best only to do wallpaper on one or two walls.
2021-01-12 16:00:33Also it would be hard to open the door with the vanity where it is.
2021-01-12 16:01:09ok thanks for letting me know i was kind of iffy bout the vanity set there
2021-01-12 23:58:26Just so you know i changed my profile
2021-01-14 23:56:16Anksčiau užsiregistravote su šiais el. paštais:
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