Pilkai geltonas interjeras

Suprojektuokite vaiko miegamąjį, kurioje bus zona miegui ir mokslui bei vieta žaislams. Pagrindinės spalvos - pilka ir geltona.


Comments (11)

olyvia Miller

yours is plain

2021-01-13 14:18:48

Room for russian kids.

2021-01-13 15:08:12
anna k

it is so swag

2021-01-13 16:24:25

Its amazing, Love the open space I would love to have a clean bedroom.

2021-01-13 16:24:47

yall are crazy there is nothing in there!!!

2021-01-13 21:03:46


2021-01-13 23:49:02

Wow, great job! Love you're spin on it lol. I would really appreciate if you took a look at mine (page 243 under Amaya) Thanks! : )

2021-01-14 02:56:24
Ema Ling

plain but dont worry a good start atleast

2021-01-14 07:58:06
olyvia Miller

KingOfTheBuilding is right. Yall are crazy. How is this even good? like no offense but this is a childs room. It is going to be the messiest room in the whole house. It will not be that plain or clean.

2021-01-14 18:36:12
Prie Haylo

lol. i love but hate when people do this

2021-01-14 20:20:44
Ochaco Uraraka

Theres nothing in there tho

2021-01-15 15:37:15