2020-06-04 17:08:29Wait...there are TWO Hatsie xxs?
2020-06-05 13:51:35what do you mean ?
2020-06-05 17:35:45oh i changed my profile pic thats why
2020-06-05 17:37:19Great design
2020-06-06 12:18:28I love the pink channdeleer and the pink closet
2020-06-06 12:18:53or shelvs
2020-06-06 12:18:59I voted for u
2020-06-06 12:19:05Thanks
2020-06-07 11:09:25i voted for you too
2020-06-07 11:09:34done
2020-06-07 18:32:38what ????????
2020-06-08 06:35:42what do you mean ???????
2020-06-08 07:39:06i love it its colorful
2021-05-07 12:12:05Anksčiau užsiregistravote su šiais el. paštais:
Mes vertiname jūsų entuziazmą dėl mūsų produkto, todėl siūlome jums 50% off nuolaidą už pirmąjį metus.