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David schwimmer

Comments (8)


Nice. If you want and time allows, you can view and comment on my product, on p. 5 Have a nice New Year's Eve

2020-12-29 07:02:28
Doungun soungun loungun!

EWWWWWWWW yuck mucky. FaRt

2021-01-02 23:34:17
Shannon Brodacki

that sucks

2021-12-14 00:08:16
Maria Vanleer

it is cool it is better than all yours

2021-12-14 13:56:12
David schwimmer

Thanks for all the good comments,and thanks for the criticism, it makes me grow more in my experience,and theres a reason why I won the contest,thats a far push to continue..2 youre supposed to be creative with the decor they give you,and thats what i played around with,.. wish you all luck. David

2022-01-16 00:14:37

who is that egg dude, tell him to shut up; hes gross

2023-05-05 15:39:31

or is that a potato

2023-05-05 15:39:49

i think the design is great, considering what you had to work with. I love the wood behind the chair. It looks so nice.

2023-05-05 15:43:07