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Comments (15)


I like your Christmas design! If you get the chance check out mine on page 4.

2020-12-21 02:26:27

Hi Yeqoan, thanks for the comment on my design. I really like all the colors you used! The pink and the red blend well together. Also your layout is really nice too. Good job!

2020-12-21 13:31:20

The red and the wood look nice and the walls look nice. Great job and Good luck!

2020-12-21 13:43:21
Chantel Emond

Love the earthy tones. They really make the red and green pop. Please check out mine on pg 38

2020-12-21 19:13:17

Hi it looks very nice , I like the wall color and the brick. The shelf on the wall looks great too. The solution with the fireplace is really interesting. Good luck!

2020-12-21 19:19:17
Adria nok

hello yeqoan that good use of the color palette and the distribution works very well, I like it, you could check my work .. page 22 and happy holidays

2020-12-21 19:36:50
Arceli Moreno

hello i like how you where relly creative and it is soo good i relly want to try it but i m only 8

2020-12-21 19:43:06

love the collors and the design. My work is on page 43 if you want to take a look

2020-12-21 20:58:27

Good job! Your design is very noce, I love the Shelf on the Wall

2020-12-22 07:38:21

Люблю рассматривать интересные проекты!)) И вам это удалось!! Хочу выделить игру цвета и в текстиле и в подборе отделке стен. Замечательно! Особое внимание хочу уделить и в подборе цвета. Как перекликается насыщенные и нюансные тона!!!!!!!! Здорово, молодец!!!!!! А я очень тонко воспринимаю цвет!!!!!

2020-12-22 11:15:20

Bello! Me gusta muchissimo tu Navidad! Muy acogedora y estilosa... Feliz Navidad

2020-12-22 11:25:23
Potato chip

Thank you for your comment. Your room looks great. I like the brick walls.

2020-12-23 00:42:03

But I would feel good in this room. It works so cozy, homey and elegant at the same time. If you have the time and want to comment on my design, which is on page 23. I wish you happy holidays.

2020-12-23 06:42:14
User 16004304

2020-12-24 16:42:27

I like it Please vote.

2020-12-26 07:48:28