Svetainė ir valgomasis

Suprojektuokite svetainės kambarį su valgomuoju. Interjero stilius - modernus, spalvos - balta, ruda, juoda.


Comments (14)

User 15281715

2020-11-30 03:38:05
Alpha Fire Wolfe Twin Melissa

2020-11-30 03:40:27
User 12006058

2020-11-30 03:42:14

Hello I like your design! I am on page 3! If you have time come see mine! Stay safe and have a great holiday coming up! I also have a few renders on page If you want to see them! Thanks Wild Doggy!

2020-11-30 17:05:37

In this project, I like that it is beautifully decorated in terms of both design and color. Everything is harmonious and pleasant.

2020-11-30 21:04:11

HI! I love the living room so cozy. I lone the way you make it black its perfect. i will vote you please vote mine too

2020-12-02 05:32:57
User 12006058

2020-12-04 00:05:08

Gostei do seu projeto. I voted for you, please vote for me! Project 33061 Mari Mond on page 6. Eu votei em você, por favor vote em mim! Mari Mond página 6.

2020-12-04 01:38:56


2020-12-04 05:30:33

VOTED! I am on page 3! :)

2020-12-04 12:29:26
Rizki Agustin


2020-12-04 14:00:28
User 15281715

2020-12-04 15:30:34

WOW ! this is one of the warmest works ive came across so far ! the ambiance of the home is very welcoming thanks to ur use of neutral wood colors ! well-done ! u truly deserve my vote ! can u check my project and tell me what u think ? can u vote if u like it ? have a nice day :)

2020-12-05 17:47:41
yossi moskovitz

I voted. Please voted me on page 35

2020-12-06 11:54:15