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Comments (17)


Yuri, mi piace il tuo design. Mi sentirei bene in questo spazio. Bello. Vi invito a visionare il mio prodotto a p. 24

2020-11-11 02:09:58
Maryna Denyschenko

Your design looks very real, like it really someone's apartment in old town, and not just a nice render from a designer on the internet. I have only a concern about kitchen area, it seems that there are too much furniture and too little space there, but it also happens a lot in real life))

2020-11-11 08:40:45
Hall Pat

Hola Yuri, como siempre tu lado creativo y colorido sale a relucir, me encantan los acentos púrpuras y la distribución, supiste organizar tan bien el espacio que incluso pusiste hacer entrar doble comedor, es muy bonito y divertido como siempre tus proyectos sacan esa parte de ti. Hiciste un gran trabajo :)

2020-11-11 14:59:08

Hi Yuri, I loved your design..The walls are very nice. Creative work :) You can also check mine on pg.6 if you'd like to :)

2020-11-12 07:07:00
Hall Pat

Votado :) sin compromiso.

2020-11-13 01:12:51
Elena Z

Hi Yuri, thanks a lot for your comment, sorry I am answering so late but yesterday was really hectic. I like your project a lot. The white and brown kitchen keeps up with the theme, and the furniture most in neutral colors works well together with it. But then you added some touches of vitality with the chairs and the cushions, and they make it all lively. Maybe the kitchen table is a little too big, but there were not so many choices...By the way, I LOVE the color combination of the two chairs by the window. Voted!

2020-11-13 07:02:24
Rizki Agustin


2020-11-13 11:37:13
User 15281715

2020-11-13 15:26:16
Noah Balog

i'm 18 and i love it i think it's nice and please look at my house it's on page 20 thanks

2020-11-13 17:11:02

Voted :)

2020-11-13 17:58:34

an old town classic home as it should be, loving every thing about this design starting from the arrangement of furniture up to the color scheme and pops of purple ! I voted for u , would u mind voting for me too ? thanks :)

2020-11-13 22:37:29
Born to be Wild

Yuri, thanks for your feedback ,mit was so detailed. Much appreciated! I love the flooring and overall design as well :-) The outstanding feature in your design is the violet pop of color. And btw that's my favourite color ! Voted!

2020-11-14 09:36:35

Yuri intanto ti ringrazio tantissimo per il commento che mi hai lasciato, il tuo progetto rispetta perfettamente il tema del marrone e bianco e anche tu, come me, hai messo in risalto un terzo colore, il viola. Mi piace molto il tuo stile un po' retrò perfetto per il tema della settimana. Ti auguro un grande in bocca al lupo e alla prossima :)

2020-11-14 09:52:03

OMG ! i woke up to see ur comment and its truly the kindest and sweetest I've ever received, u made me look at my design from a different point of view ! thanks for cheering me up for the rest of the week :) and let me tell u something, ur project is ammaaaaazing !!

2020-11-14 12:28:56

planner 5d is such a wonderful platform that it enabled me to get to know someone like you ! thank u again :)

2020-11-14 15:15:27

Good job. I like it and I voted.

2020-11-14 15:44:23
User 7846194

2020-11-15 05:17:15