Suprojektuok ryškesnių spalvų virtuvę su valgomuoju.
2021-06-21 18:18:03Good job kiki
2021-06-21 21:28:09Thank u both!
2021-06-22 13:19:58Muy colorido, me gusta, realmente se ve divertido :)
2021-06-23 01:31:32Wow, A true colorful kitchen I really like it. Can you see mine?
2021-06-23 08:25:47Thank you for your comment. Your room looks nice. I like how colorful it is.
2021-06-23 11:26:08Thanks for all the comments!
2021-06-23 12:56:57Wow!!!! I really like it!! Good job sis!! Please check out mine!!!! (You probably won't like it. It is themed yellow.)
2021-06-24 16:37:57I like it please check mine
2021-06-24 18:49:58Thank u for the comments. I will see both of yours
2021-06-24 21:19:15I like it
2021-06-25 13:36:13!
2021-06-25 13:36:42Thank u!
2021-06-25 13:46:57I love the colours, thanks so much for the comment, good luck
2021-06-25 17:30:35Your welcome! I am glad u liked it!
2021-06-25 17:55:16Hi Keki! Thank you for your comment. I like that each piece of furniture is a different color. The colors are in harmony with each other. I don't like the placement of the dining table so much. I would rather have placed it between the two windows , but that's just my opinion. Overall, I really like it, nice work. :))
2021-06-26 10:55:51Thank u!
2021-06-26 13:36:30Hi Keki! I'm not Lisa. You won't find me anywhere else. The image is just a coincidence. Gabes is the nickname of my real name.
2021-06-27 15:49:17Ah. Thanks!
2021-06-27 16:25:02Anksčiau užsiregistravote su šiais el. paštais:
Mes vertiname jūsų entuziazmą dėl mūsų produkto, todėl siūlome jums 50% off nuolaidą už pirmąjį metus.