Suprojektuokite Monikai iš serialo Draugai prieškambarį, virtuvę ir svetainę.
Wow really nice! I can see that you worked really hard on this design. A lot of people didn't do the actual apartment. but you nailed it perfectly. you even got the red and yellow pillows on the chair and the green door in the back. Nice work! come check out mine too please
2020-10-13 13:27:57One more thing that i like about this is that you even got the kitchen chair correct!!!! Good job!
2020-10-13 13:28:42I love it! this is pretty much the correct recreation of Monica's apartment.. good job! Please check mine at page 1 :)
2020-10-15 09:28:39Anksčiau užsiregistravote su šiais el. paštais:
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