i didnt decorate children sone because i think its your imagination who has to decorate it
2020-05-25 02:00:02no decoré la sala de niños porque pienso que es tu imaginación la que debe decorarla
2020-05-25 02:00:50like mine and you know im going to like yours, i mean i have already done that whith anoushka sarin, m, yobopig and other ones so... like mine!
2020-05-25 02:02:35Really nice
2020-05-25 03:33:25Look at mine
2020-05-25 03:33:33I don't like the wallpapers. They are mix and it is not good togther. And then I don't like the place behind the tv. But it is not bad.
2020-05-25 09:11:39comment and like my living room
2020-05-25 10:50:14I love it! Its cool!
2020-05-25 11:19:05Go check my design
2020-05-25 12:25:10meeee: i dont care your comment, im not too good at thease because im only 10 years old
2020-05-25 13:54:33thanks anoushka i remember you
2020-05-25 13:55:09your welcome!!
2020-05-25 14:38:22mj jajaja
2020-05-25 15:16:24Come see mine!
2020-05-25 15:16:42OK
2020-05-25 18:35:12I WROTE THAT IN SPANISH
2020-05-25 18:35:39yo soy española, se escribe entiende pero aun así tu proyecto es muy bonito
2020-05-25 18:47:26wow.. very colourful room.. anw, if you not busy, please check my own living room thank you for your attention.. :) This is my Link https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/2592
2020-05-26 04:09:54I adore it! It's fantastic. If you vote for my project I'll vote for yours!
2020-05-26 08:15:56Yo también soy de España, mi proyecto está en la página 23
2020-05-26 10:37:01: )
2020-05-26 10:37:08Para tener 10 años, decoras y manejas esto muy bien ;-)
2020-05-26 11:35:44soy Mexicano, viva mexico, lo unico que no me gusta es que le vas a Chivas y yo le voy a los Pumas de U.N.A.M pero de todos modos esta muy bien
2020-05-26 12:56:56Y tengo 11 años
2020-05-26 12:57:25Btw. If someone else is reading this then my project is on page 25
2020-05-26 12:58:20yo soy mexicana también y votaré por todos ustedes
2020-05-26 14:20:26@ni... gracias pero la verdad si solo tengo 10 años
2020-05-26 14:21:22no offence, but... this room has WAY too many patterns. it's kinda giving me a headache.
2020-05-26 16:04:27go check out my living room please :) your living room looks really nice by the way.
2020-05-26 16:37:29Vote for me please on page 13! please
2020-05-26 16:43:40ok ill vote for all of you
2020-05-26 17:48:47Urs is great! I like the divider. Pls check mine out. https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/2808/?key=9025aa95582943f1e8ed0afa04dd9225 I will vote for you as soon as voting opens up
2020-05-26 22:59:38ok tranquis that means be calm in spanish
2020-05-26 23:04:09I'll vote for yours if you vote for mine! https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/2476 to view my room.
2020-05-26 23:56:00I really like yours can you have a look at mine I don't know how I have done cause I'm only 11 so here is the link. https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/2835
2020-05-27 03:43:37@vaischivalvivaMéxico no lo dije porque sospechara de que no tienes diez años, que si que me lo creo, lo dije porque de verdad que se te da muy bien y mejor que a mi, que tengo 14 XD
2020-05-27 07:02:12urs is quite cool. cld u check mine out on page 13
2020-05-27 11:51:21Why did you put a wallpaper design on the floor???
2020-05-27 12:51:29I'm only 8 nearly 9: on page forty vote for me
2020-05-27 14:28:32ok ill chek all of u
2020-05-27 14:32:14and like all of you
2020-05-27 14:32:27only if i can find you
2020-05-27 14:32:48thanks ill vote for u
2020-05-27 14:45:52Sweet \honey this rocks
2020-05-27 15:54:49Please check out my design too! https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/2794
2020-05-27 16:43:36Just comment and vote everyone that is seeing this comment I've got two floors
2020-05-27 16:54:52I agree 100% with Meeee. Also, Anoushka Sarin is really rude. Someone put as a comment in their own project saying, " Does anyone like my project?" SHE FLAT OUT SAYS "Nope." THAT'S RUDE!!!! Also, the clash between the grays, white and blacks with the BRIGHT RED BLUE YELLOW GREEN (ETC) IS JUST- UGLY! Also, age doesn't matter. I'm twelve and started only a couple days ago. So don't be rude and say "I dOn'T cArE i'M oNlY tEn." You don't got my vote here.
2020-05-27 17:47:50i didnt said that
2020-05-27 19:04:11last time anoushka insulted my projetc, but i think she is the one who insulted the project because i know how she is but i didnt said something like that, everyone knows it, i dont care if you dont vote for me, because you dnt know who is, you dont know how to talk whith people and you dont know what s respect right?
2020-05-27 19:08:22so if you are teasing me i said to you dont do that because i can get too furios ok,
2020-05-27 19:09:46WOW XD
2020-05-27 20:18:44wht?
2020-05-27 20:23:18I don't like it
2020-05-28 06:51:37vaischivalvivaMéxico: I'm going to like it, I'm also 10, pls look at mine on page 40!
2020-05-28 09:05:08ok Xx... ill look your project and ill like it
2020-05-28 14:13:47i dont like it: its okay but please dont say that bad things because you can hurt people
2020-05-28 14:14:59I like your furniture. here is mine. https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/2724
2020-05-28 16:24:19WOW it's beautiful. Congratulations. :) I'm 12 years and my project is in page 23, please vote for me. (https://planner5d.com/es/contests/detail/2633)
2020-05-28 16:36:36ok
2020-05-28 22:12:01Pagina 40
2020-05-28 22:25:24I'm looking to get some votes this week, and hopefully some of you will be receiving votes as well. Good luck to everyone that put in effort and stay safe. Visit my page in the link below to leave honest opinions and smash that ❤ button! https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/2476
2020-05-29 00:46:36PLz vote for me P.S your living room looks nice https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/2809
2020-05-29 01:40:34I voted for you! Please vote for me! Here's the link! https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/2754
2020-05-29 03:45:29I love your idea of having a boy and girl lounge area I just would of put the tv and the tv stand at the back of the wall to make it stand out more and to give it more privacy between the area but other than that I LOVE IT. Would you be able to check my house out please it would mean the world to me if you voted for me here is my link https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/2303
2020-05-29 06:28:24Герман Паршков: Said mine sucks why do you have to be so rude??!!
2020-05-29 11:44:05Can anyone of you vote Laurarchitect's project. Shes my little sister and she wants to become an architect for the NASA. She is really good with this program and we can't allow to buy her the premium pack. Thanks. https://planner5d.com/es/contests/detail/2633
2020-05-29 13:47:31later ill vote for you because im working to much
2020-05-29 14:09:26Vote for me on page 13 please
2020-05-29 15:32:01: )
2020-05-29 19:54:09I voted for you. Can you vote for me? https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/2399
2020-05-29 20:30:33YES I HAVE DONE IT
2020-05-30 00:57:59OMG I lov yours and Owen O'Neills
2020-05-30 12:57:25THANKS
2020-05-30 13:50:48hello is very nice your design likes vote for me and I vote for you my design is on page 19 likes please
2020-05-30 18:26:03YES
2020-05-30 20:25:14HI
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