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hi, its a good project! i like the way you put the furniture!. i think the color is a little less suitable.. but it's good enough to show the white and gold color. GOOD LUCK-! vote for me later, i'll vote you too!
2020-09-29 05:48:42Hi! i like your design its beautiful. keep on improving! Please visit my design also at page 26, thank you! vote for me:)
2020-09-29 12:32:35I'll vote for you too
2020-09-29 12:33:03What a lovely, bright space! Your layout is neat and clean and I love the inclusion of a vanity (dressing table) in the bathroom - nice work!
2020-09-30 11:43:37Wow! Voted. Vote for me.
2020-10-02 11:42:08Hi! I really love your project a lot! I love the bedroom so much! AMAZING project! I already voted for your project. please vote for me on page 1! thanks!
2020-10-02 17:36:19Hi! i voted you, please vote me in page 12
2020-10-03 04:48:21Hi I like your design. it is balance and beautiful. I voted for you.
2020-10-03 09:59:38Pls check my design on page 38 thanks
2020-10-03 09:59:55Anksčiau užsiregistravote su šiais el. paštais:
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