Medis, betonas ir metalas

Suprojektuokite virtuvės ir svetainės interjerą su šiomis medžiagomis - wood, concrete and metal.

Pak Jim

Comments (4)


I voted for you. Your project is amazing. Please check out mine and vote. Mine is on page 1

2020-08-22 12:06:15
Hall Pat

Tienes una distribución agradable, Te vote, te agradecería si visitaras mi proyecto y dejaras un comentario, sugerencia o tú like si te agrada (◠‿◕)

2020-08-22 14:28:11

I think yours is great come see mine on page 14! I voted you come vote me! I REALLY WANT TO GET TO THE TOP 5, so please get me there! :) Thanks !! Benjamin Button Lover! STAY SAFE & WASH YO HANDS!(✿◠‿◠)

2020-08-22 17:03:49
Pak Jim


2020-08-23 00:04:57