Suprojektuokite šviesų berniuko miegamąjį su ryškesniais akcentais.
2021-02-22 20:46:41hi
2021-02-25 05:35:00hi
2021-02-25 15:15:33hi
2021-03-01 13:43:21what does that mean for me? does that mean i don't have a dad anymore?
2021-03-01 17:39:08ok... what do i call you?
2021-03-01 19:14:54i'm here sorry
2021-03-01 20:04:00who are my siblings?
2021-03-01 20:08:17yay!
2021-03-01 20:09:30i am sad about him and sure
2021-03-01 20:12:21i don't know whats happening with my account but i can't join the design battle
2021-03-01 20:14:24i can make a design but i can't submit it
2021-03-01 20:16:04also i have to go back to school, i can talk more tomorrow around 10:50-11:02
2021-03-01 20:16:58ok thxs and bye
2021-03-01 20:17:38yes and thx for the new name!
2021-03-01 20:19:43tomorrow around 10:50-11:02
2021-03-01 20:21:11A.M.
2021-03-01 20:21:20bye
2021-03-01 20:21:37i can't go on my computer after school and i can only go on my tablet on the weekends
2021-03-01 20:22:27bye
2021-03-01 20:22:55sorry but i can't and now i really have to go bye
2021-03-01 20:24:15luv you too
2021-03-01 20:24:56hi
2021-03-03 14:14:18hi
2021-03-04 13:48:45dont listen to him i never left the pack he just overheard a conversation and didn't listen to the whole thing before he ran off please come back to daddy please???*starts to cry* daddies getting better please give daddy another chance please, i will do anything........please honey please come back???
2021-03-04 15:30:32Storm_Minty_Alphapup Please give daddy another ill prove to you i will never leave you again please just come back to daddy im doing better just please.... i love you honey i do i really do.
2021-03-04 15:32:22ok...i'll give you another chance
2021-03-04 15:34:11yes...will you be ok?
2021-03-04 15:35:37thanks honey*gives the biggest wolfy hug* i miss you honey and i promise never to go evil again do you forgive me?
2021-03-04 15:36:22i forgive you
2021-03-04 15:37:08what??
2021-03-04 15:39:13storm is it ok if he stays with us?
2021-03-04 15:40:26yes!
2021-03-04 15:41:18where is he going?
2021-03-04 15:42:20yes
2021-03-04 15:44:02ok
2021-03-04 15:44:04he left i try to change him to be good but he thru my off cliff but i grabed it and got back up
2021-03-04 15:47:08i ran into the forest, scared
2021-03-04 15:48:18i am
2021-03-04 15:55:47i can't right now i actually felt like i was under a lot of pressure in real life so i'll talk tomorrow
2021-03-04 18:37:15i'm sorry but i can't
2021-03-04 18:49:16i need time to clear my head, please understand
2021-03-04 18:49:38talk tomorrow, i promise
2021-03-04 18:49:54honey im sorry for what i said and i will never give u up again
2021-03-05 14:02:16Anksčiau užsiregistravote su šiais el. paštais:
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