Berniuko miegamasis

Suprojektuokite šviesų berniuko miegamąjį su ryškesniais akcentais.

Melanie Cyfko

Comments (29)

Madeline Cyfko

ahhhh its really nice! You deserve to win!

2021-02-22 01:12:33
Madeline Cyfko

:)) I really hope you do

2021-02-22 01:12:40
Madeline Cyfko

that is why I keep on commenting

2021-02-22 01:12:49
Madeline Cyfko

so people can see this more easily :)

2021-02-22 01:12:58
Melanie Cyfko

Wow, nice strategy! Views do not make someone win though. hehe

2021-02-22 01:14:39
Gia K.E.J

I love it! but there so dark no lamp

2021-02-22 01:34:38
Melanie Cyfko

Thanks. Huhh? I put 2 lamps.. take a closer look :)

2021-02-22 02:32:48
Stranger Things Lover

Hi, I really love your design it is very pretty, I love where you have put stuff in the room, and Good Luck on voting day, also please check out my design by clicking on my name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2021-02-22 09:34:28
Melanie Cyfko

Thank you soo much! I will check yours out. :)

2021-02-22 13:55:48
Mackenzie Fraser

I love your theme! Please be sure to vote for me and leave a comment! type in the search bar then type /contests/ then type detail /106561

2021-02-22 20:05:11

For me, a little much. But I do like the furniture placement! Good job and please check out mine by clicking on my name above! Byeee

2021-02-22 21:46:58
Melanie Cyfko

Thank you so much, Mackenzie Frazer! :)

2021-02-22 22:49:27

You said mine was ugly..

2021-02-23 00:53:33
Melanie Cyfko

I said the patterns were ugly..

2021-02-23 01:22:54
User 6292819

2021-02-23 04:52:06
User 20244259

i love the feature wall - so cool!!! pls see mine on p.89

2021-02-23 14:23:33
Melanie Cyfko

Thank you so much for everyone's feedback! I really appreciate it! :)

2021-02-23 15:24:20

OMG NICE! Love how you get everything together:D Make sure to look at mines by pressing me name:)

2021-02-24 00:35:54

You could have given me tips tho

2021-02-24 02:40:39

I don’t mean to be rude but your feedback want exactly nicw

2021-02-24 02:41:16


2021-02-24 02:41:30
Melanie Cyfko

Thank you Nessie!!

2021-02-24 14:21:32
Melanie Cyfko

@Its_the_OG_ddesigner_! sorry if i was being rude, i was trying to be honest

2021-02-24 14:22:03
made line

love it

2021-02-25 00:53:30
Melanie Cyfko

thank you soo much! :)

2021-02-25 01:47:26

Ok no problem! Just can u give me some feedback instead next time? Thanks!

2021-02-28 04:04:25

Also my project deleted sooo

2021-02-28 04:04:44
Melanie Cyfko

okk :)

2021-02-28 18:35:00


2021-03-29 03:37:37