Designer’s notes
Comments (12)

Svetlana Baitchourina
Super casetta!!! Devo andare io sul una isola deserta...a meditare...ahhaha!
2015-08-19 16:49:38

Micaela Maccaferri
Ti vengo a prendere in elicottero? :P
2015-08-19 19:01:46

Svetlana Baitchourina
Dai, Micaela, vengo subito, senza pensare due volte, ahahaha!:)
2015-08-19 19:16:37

Micaela Maccaferri
Perfetto! Venerdì pomeriggio atterro in Piazza Duomo a Tortona e ti carico per il Week End! Viaggia leggera mi raccomando: costume da bagno e crema solare è tutto ciò che occorre.... ;)
2015-08-19 19:22:36

Svetlana Baitchourina
ahahaha!!! Sono pronta - legerissima...!!!
2015-08-19 19:48:17

Micaela Maccaferri
Ciao Anjou! How much time!!! It's a great pleasure see you again! Thanks a lot for your compliments (and for your votes);)
2015-08-27 16:07:43

User 3636936
2015-11-27 19:28:33

Micaela Maccaferri
Me too!!!! ;)
2015-11-28 13:39:06

Harry Z.
That is the perfect villa for a isolated island. When I look inside I see, a western-style kitchen, a 1920s style bathroom and a king size bed with a tropic ottoman. I will be also guessing when this was build (random but not too random).
2017-06-26 01:58:59

Harry Z.
Built: 2003
2017-06-26 01:59:15

Harry Z.
It is not a guess. It is a comment.
2017-06-26 01:59:41

Micaela Maccaferri
Well, I do not know if it's right but the bathroom is not 1920 style ... I would say deserted island or house on the tree in the jungle .... but I do not really remember why I did this project so. I was inspired ....
2017-06-27 21:25:58
