faty =)

评论 (15)


Damn this one is darker than mine. love love love love love it! especially the balcony.

2020-12-07 03:07:09
faty =)

thanks and love you

2020-12-07 03:08:13


2020-12-07 05:58:35

i will vote you please vote mine

2020-12-07 10:10:21

I really like how modern is looks especially with the black! Great Job! Please look at my design on page 2, thanks!

2020-12-07 13:40:43
Paris dreamer

I like how this is modern. Very luxurious! But I'm not getting the tropical vibe. Cool project though!

2020-12-07 16:25:42
~A r e e b a~ (please vote)

Wow! I really liked the way where you placed the shelves on the balcony. Nice work though! Voted~ ~ A r e e b a ~

2020-12-07 20:26:10
Rin Takahashi

1. JustaNormalPerson5 please don't curse there are children on here. 2. I really like this design but this doesn't really mach the theme all black and white isn't really tropical but I still LOVE this design.

2020-12-07 23:36:07

I like the balcony shelves! So useful! + the fake grass makes it so comfortable and inviting!

2020-12-08 04:52:52

Привет! Несмотря на тёмно серый кирпич отделки стен, вам удалось создать атмосферу тропиков!)))Ещё бы побольше растений! А так всё очень хорошо получилось и в расстановке мебели и декоре. Хорошая композиция спальни и зоны отдыха.

2020-12-09 15:25:23

Very nicely furnished room. With a sense of aesthetics and orderliness. I like the contrast of black and white. Nice project. If you don't mind, I invite you to view my project on p. 34

2020-12-09 20:51:13

I voted for you. If you think my project deserves your vote, you get it on p. 34. Thank you

2020-12-11 06:04:40
Huzaifah Al-Quraishi

Hi, woww! Amazing! I really like this! I really like the way you arranged everything! I love the sofa area! Looks very cozy! I voted for your project. Please vote for me on page 2. Thanks!

2020-12-11 23:58:05


2020-12-12 01:26:04
Richard Brown

This is nice. The idea behind this color scheme is similar to mine. I voted for you. Check out my Tell me what you think. Much love and blessings wish you success in the competition.

2020-12-13 18:47:09