Master Designer

评论 (4)


OMG this is perfect and amazing it is 9/10. pls check mine :)

2021-08-16 02:03:20
Bruce Harris

To be honest, it's meh at best. Lamp in front of the tv is bad idea and the room is too dark without any pictures or things a teenager would have. Sorry but UwU CUTIE is a noob and thats ok. We all started somewhere. Check out mine and leave an honest comment.

2021-08-16 22:53:43

I agree with the lamp in front of the TV being a bad idea. Also, knowing that it is in front of the window, I don't think the lamp is necessary. It looks good but it seems to be more like a young adult's room, not a teenager's.

2021-08-20 07:43:44

I'm not really digging the lamp in front of the TV either, it kinda blocks the view and its also right by the window. If i lived in this room, I would feel depressed maybe next time do different colors than just black so it doesn't really give depressed vibes, you know. I don't really think this room gives off teenage vibes. Maybe that just your style, but it's definitely not mine. Keep trying at it though! You might get better.

2021-08-21 16:35:58