
Comments (7)

Hall Pat

Un trabajo muy bonito y limpio, con muy buena organización y uso de los colores. Me gusta la elección de piso, muy novedosa Bien echo :)

2021-02-15 15:55:04

Привет, Тим! Мне очень понравился дизайн в бежево коричневых тонах... спокойная атмосфера. Привлекает расстановка мебели-- удачный выбор мебели ! Молодец!!

2021-02-16 09:54:27
Stranger Things Lover

I think your design is really nice, I love your layout and where you have put stuff, I also Love the colors you have used and good luck on voting day!!!!!! Also please check out my design by clicking on my name!!!:)I am going to vote for you!!!!!

2021-02-16 12:35:32

Большое спасибо за комментарий. Приятно читать отзыв о хорошей работе.)))

2021-02-17 22:12:07

Thanks for your comment. I agree with the remark, as I myself was in a dilemma whether to let it go or not. Your project is very elegant, with minimalist festive equipment, which does not seem festive to me (New Year's celebration). Otherwise, it is a very nicely decorated room.

2021-02-18 01:27:25
User 20244259

love the flooring and the placement of furniture. Maybe use accent colouyrs next time to add depth to the design. pls see mine on p.195

2021-02-18 12:25:06
Potato chip

Thank you for your comment. Your room looks very nice. I like the beige color.

2021-02-19 21:15:01