
Comments (15)

User 19301017

2021-01-18 13:04:19
Hall Pat

Wow que interesante diseño Tatjana, me encantó la escalera, sin duda muy original.

2021-01-18 14:50:51

Thank you so much for your comment on my project :) I noticed the staircase and I really like where you placed it, it's unique! Incredible layout, it has a lot of character, wonderful work :D

2021-01-18 22:06:15

I love it good to make the second floor i really love it anyway i'm on page 17 come see if you don't mind

2021-01-19 02:09:43
Born to be Wild

Hey Tatjana, thanks for your comments. Your design is great. i love the mix of brick & wood work. Looks classic. The door you have created is a very clever idea

2021-01-19 09:49:26
Dragon girl

OMG this is so cool! I love where you put the bathtub and the second floor is cool, to! I'm on page 1 but i don't have a toilet XD

2021-01-19 15:25:17
User 19145838

2021-01-19 16:32:36

Здорово!!!! Ну вы с Холлом волшебники---фантазёры!!!!!)))))) И как вы вторые этажи возводите????! Замечательно, интересно, неповторимо! Люблю сочетание камня и дерева. Здесь мне понравилось ещё отделение зоны ванны . Единственный момент не поняла, что на втором этаже?---сауна?---это хорошая идея была бы!!!)

2021-01-19 18:37:11
not alien

wow! this is great i love how there is more than one stories, i would never have though of that it matches the style perfectly and i would love to have this as a bathroom, can you check mine out on page 82, it is only my second contest so i would like some tips, thanks!

2021-01-19 21:20:46

How did you make the stairs? The idea of ​​adding layers shines.

2021-01-19 23:37:21

Oh My God !!! So much of work...I love it. Lovely design :) If you wanna see mine, I'm on pg.63. Come and share your opinion !!!! Good luck :)

2021-01-20 13:35:18

Najlepša hvala za vaš komentar, zelo lepo)))) Še enkrat prevajam svoj komentar .... Super !!!! No, vi in ​​Hall ste čarovniki --- sanjači !!!!!)))))) In kako gradite druga nadstropja ????! Čudovito, zanimivo, unikatno! Obožujem kombinacijo kamna in lesa. Tu mi je bilo všeč tudi ločevanje prostora za kopel. Edino nisem razumel, da je v drugem nadstropju? --- savna? --- bi bila dobra ideja !!!) Še enkrat, moj komentar v vašem jeziku

2021-01-20 15:53:15
Adria nok

que gran trabajo, el espacio esta bien distribuido y al idea de segunda planta la conseguiste muy bien,

2021-01-20 18:51:52

Wow! Such a creative design! I love the stairs and the room you made! Everything is so relaxing and comfortable! If you'd like make sure to check mine out and Good Luck!

2021-01-21 16:39:35
Milica G.

Hi Tatjana :)! I have no idea how did you make this, it looks very complcated, but beautiful! Kind of Mediterranean, I can imagine bathroom like this on some island in Adriatic sea. I think I can now recognize your style even without looking the name, your designs are very striking :)! Great work, I love it!!

2021-01-23 20:17:34