
Comments (7)


Beautiful! you're so good! Please vote for me and I vote for you! I'm on page 11! Thank you

2020-06-10 11:51:42

Very beautiful your project. Look at mine too. https://planner5d.com/en/contests/detail/5411 Page 36

2020-06-10 11:59:41

love it! its rly good! pls vote for me https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/5028

2020-06-10 18:25:54

Wow amazing job, just voted for you, i LOVE the colours you choose! Please check out my project and let me know what can I improve! https://planner5d.com/it/contests/detail/5356/#comment_5177617

2020-06-12 12:43:39
Aderia Septiani

Wow Great Design, i voted for you. Kindly check mine if you like pls vote for me too https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/5359

2020-06-12 15:16:14

please vote me. and i vote you https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/5540

2020-06-13 09:32:04
Surya Ganesh

YOUR PROJECT IS MIND BLOWING.. I LIKE YOUR SELECTION OF COLOUR.. YOU ARE AMAZING... I HAVE VOTED FOR U.. PLEASE CHECK MY PROJECT... AND YOUR CLEAR OPINION AND VOTE FOR ME..Your project is really Great.. Can I say really U have a good talent..I think U are good in creativity...Any words chat to me through my project chat..For voting you can find me in page no.9..https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/4996

2020-06-13 11:05:53