Rizki Agustin

Comments (14)

Hall Pat

:o que brillante! Un proyecto sin duda muy divertido y hermoso :)

2020-12-29 16:15:22

Hi, amazing decor! The colors are fantastic, the whole room is vibrating! Happy New Year!

2020-12-29 17:57:40

Your design looks very festive. Maybe I should choose a less intense red and green. I wish you a nice New Year's Eve.

2020-12-30 05:45:03
Rizki Agustin

Thank you very much Hall Pat

2020-12-30 13:35:56
Rizki Agustin

Thank you very much Rita

2020-12-30 13:36:23
Rizki Agustin

Thank you very much Tatjana

2020-12-30 13:36:45

Hi! It's amazing. I like it. Happy New Year!:)

2020-12-31 16:10:24
Milica G.

Managed to vote for your project. Hope you get many votes, good luck!

2021-01-01 10:53:01
Rizki Agustin

Thank you very much Gabes

2021-01-01 13:35:32
Rizki Agustin

Thank you very much Milica

2021-01-01 13:35:52
Hall Pat

Hola Rizki pude votar por ti :) buena suerte.

2021-01-01 21:05:18

Hi, I think, I managed to vote.

2021-01-02 17:31:32

Hi Rizki i love your project i really love the come see mine on page 6 hope you win

2021-01-03 10:34:36
User 14261171

2021-01-03 20:38:07