You have smashing design. The black and white color theme looks very modern. The lighting you have used looks very good. The marble flooring is also very nice. Do check mine on Pg 7
2020-11-30 10:11:30Thanks
2020-11-30 11:41:01Hello I like your design! I am on page 3! If you have time come see mine! Stay safe and have a great holiday coming up! I also have a few renders on page If you want to see them! Thanks Wild Doggy!
2020-11-30 17:10:55This is a beautiful project. I like it because it is stylistically decorated, both in color and composition. The only thing that would be good to move is the seat next to the entrence. That's just my opinion. No offense.
2020-11-30 21:12:43thanks
2020-11-30 23:57:08This is an awesome design! I love the marble floors! I don't really like the yellow or gold accent, it doesn't really go with the vibe of black, white and marble. But other than that, I like it!
2020-12-01 00:35:06Thanks paris dreamer
2020-12-01 01:26:41Thank you for your comment. Your room looks very nice. I like the gold accents.
2020-12-01 16:50:03Thanks poteto Chips[what a cute name]
2020-12-02 04:57:47Хороший проект! Правильное сочетание цвета для классики! Контраст белого и чёрного с золотом создают строгую и богатую атмосферу. Красиво и чётко расставлена мебель. Молодец! Приятно смотреть!)))
2020-12-02 08:49:44Thanks
2020-12-02 08:52:53wow! your house is beautiful !!
2020-12-02 11:21:29Thanks alot
2020-12-02 11:33:20thanks for ur comment:) ur design is so beautiful. i like t, i will vote for you.
2020-12-02 12:25:00I like the gold and black. Its very elegant. The plants look great as well.
2020-12-03 01:35:49Thanks Willow dogwood
2020-12-03 02:25:08Thanks for your comment on mine! Your design is so elegent! I love it. This is one of my top 10 designs this week! nice job, Woof :)
2020-12-03 14:43:42Gostei do seu projeto. Eu votei em você, por favor vote em mim! I voted for you, please vote for me! Project 33061 .
2020-12-04 00:35:33Hello, your design is so beautiful. Pls, visit mine too hope you like it :)
2020-12-04 07:11:19Voted!
2020-12-04 07:11:46Голосую!!!!!)))) Люблю классику....
2020-12-04 09:04:55Hi! Thank you. I like your design. Very nice. I voted.
2020-12-04 10:10:44Thanks Gabes
2020-12-04 10:57:46It's an interesting and very bright design. The touches of gold add warmness to your scheme, while the black elements soften it. I'm impressed. You have put a lot of forniture in that room but somehow you managed to avoid clutterness and kept a good flow in the enviroment. Overall is a good, refined design. I think that your have nailed the brief for this competition. I'm voting for you.
2020-12-04 12:05:29your project definitely caught my eye! good job, and i like your bright marble floor plus the jet black paired with the bright white! the only thing that i noticed seems a little off is the chairs so close to the door, but the rest of it is amazing! please check out mine on my page, because I’m voting for you! good luck!!!
2020-12-04 12:10:51Voted
2020-12-04 14:23:24Oh I want to
2020-12-05 01:24:01Voted
2020-12-05 01:47:39Tanks
2020-12-05 02:29:24Anytime
2020-12-05 04:29:06I want it of course
2020-12-05 04:35:16Anyway who is your twin
2020-12-05 04:36:41It's a lovely design voted!
2020-12-05 10:04:47Voted. My project is on p. 8
2020-12-05 10:40:05I voted you! I hope you and your family have a great Holiday coming up! Bye! Wild Doggy! U´ᴥ`U
2020-12-05 12:17:19voted im on pg 10
2020-12-05 14:18:21Hallo, danke, dass du mein Projekt kommentiert hast! Ich liebe dieses Design, ich denke wir könnten gute Freunde sein!
2020-12-05 22:18:57Thanks Lea
2020-12-06 01:38:01Im sleepy too
2020-12-06 02:35:34Im bad to around boys some time i hate boys
2020-12-06 05:24:03Yah me too. any way how old are you. Im 13
2020-12-06 05:49:02how old are you
2020-12-06 05:49:25Wow
2020-12-06 06:23:00Im home school next year i go to high scool near malaysia
2020-12-06 06:31:22i know
2020-12-06 06:44:07yes im here
2020-12-06 06:47:16whats up??
2020-12-06 06:48:12Hey! Thanks for checking by my project, and voting! I've voted for you btw!
2020-12-06 11:44:05Im a girl
2020-12-07 04:19:57HAHAAAHHAHAHAhAHAAH what a sore loser HHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAHHAHAHAHAH im glad tho u were never a good mom *slaps with tail walks away
2021-02-04 04:47:54stupid
2021-02-04 04:48:45Just leave me alone*bite the neck* now you are bleeding enjoy
2021-02-04 04:50:31Im sorry and i ask if u forgive me
2021-02-13 01:29:02Em... Fine I forgive you BUT only this one ok
2021-02-13 01:54:02What do you mean chance password
2021-02-15 07:28:14oh
2021-02-15 07:29:58idk
2021-02-15 07:32:45Idk
2021-02-15 07:35:57I'm gonna ask my mom first ok
2021-02-15 07:37:05Can i answer it tommorow my mom is not at home
2021-02-15 07:38:27Du har tidigare registrerat dig med dessa e-postadresser:
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