Ольга, мне нравится ваш дизайн, нейтральные цвета, очень красиво, поздравляю, желаю удачи
2023-09-26 11:56:57I love the creativity!! The different textures that you used make it feel very serene. I like how the light plays with the different earth tones. A welcoming atmosphere certainly conducive of at least two moods: peaceful + admiration. Also, thank you for your last comment. I always enjoy them. :)
2023-09-26 15:30:19I love the creativity!! The different textures that you used make it feel very serene. I like how the light plays with the different earth tones. A welcoming atmosphere certainly conducive of at least two moods: peaceful + admiration. Also, thank you for your last comment. I always enjoy them. :)
2023-09-26 15:30:24Sorry for the double reply. Not sure why that happened.
2023-09-26 15:32:07Thank you so much for your comment on my work, Olga!! I feel the same about yours and am always happy to hear from you and to see your new creations as well. I am grateful for all of the feedback and encouragement.
2023-09-28 17:36:32Приветствую, Ольга! Благодарю за комментарий!) Мне приятно получить его именно от вас) Всегда с большим интересом слежу за вашими работами, они замечательные!!!) Желаю творческих успехов и найти своих клиентов)
2023-10-01 11:29:20Hola Olga! Muchas gracias por sus bonitos comentarios. Si duda sus trabajos son hermosos, me encanta como empleo una paleta de colores neutros y después agrego colores brillantes en los detalles; todo es muy armonioso, gran proyecto :)
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