
Comments (5)


Hi Valentina! I have to say that this is one of the most beautiful tribute to Monica's apartment that I've seen here! I can feel of the nice bohemian, wacky, sorto fo fairy tales vibes that should be in there. The kitchen is really spot on. I love the purple and the green that you used. Which shade are they? Do you have the hex or RGB code? I love what you did with the big rug! That's a nice, personal touch and I'm sure Monica will love it! ;D The layout is very well done. You avoid to close to much the space and at same time it looks snuggy and cozy, perfect for spending time with FRIENDS but also with family. I love how you cared about details, like the colored chair or chosing a flamboyant color for the armchair. I love how you managed to keep a certain sense of elegance in your design. I will vote for you. Please, would you like to have a look to my project at page 3? I'd like to know what do you think about it.

2020-10-14 13:03:49

THANK YOU SO MUCH! I really love FRIENDS and I wanted to recreate everything (as much as I could of course this is not perfect and identical). I'll have a look to your project asap :)

2020-10-15 09:20:38

Grazie per le tue gentili parole riguardo il mio progetto. Ho avuto davvero piacere nel partecipare a questa gara. Da fan di FRIENDS il tuo progetto mi ha davvero entusiasmato. In bocca al lupo! Il mio voto è tuo.

2020-10-15 23:43:53

Ti ho votata! Di nuovo in bocca al lupo.

2020-10-16 02:09:08
Rizki Agustin

Hi valentina. Its great your room. if you vote me i will vote you back

2020-10-17 09:35:36