
Comments (11)


Wow! This is beautiful and so so nice! Those colours are amazing! Please see mine when it’s posted! I’ll comment again when it is! Best of luck :)

2021-04-26 17:50:32

Mine is posted, please could you see it and comment on it! Good luck!

2021-04-26 18:18:12

Привет. Очень интересно создано !!

2021-04-26 22:51:37

wow this looks so nice!

2021-04-27 12:42:12

én is szeretem az elrendezést és a színeket, you szép munkát végeztek!

2021-04-27 14:32:37

Доброго вечера , Рита. Спасибо большое за добрый комментарий!))))

2021-04-27 18:13:59
Mari Mond

Hello to everyone! I would like to get your attention to something that I noticed. I spent 2 hours voting (web via Android) I got to round 130 and saw many projects being repeated, Some I recognized from the photo and others from the profile. Other projects in the first minutes of voting already had 4 stars, some that even when I was voting appeared without a star. And what are these profiles with USER and numbers that appear as false when they like something. I have in my favorites Hall Pat, mia, rizki, rita olahne and others and I couldn't find their projects. Something needs to be done, because anyone who is honest is being deceived.

2021-04-28 02:28:55
Mari Mond

And i like your work! :)

2021-04-28 02:29:44

Szia Rita! Nagyon szép lett. Tetszik, hogy a kandalló mintázata megjelenik a mögötte lévő fal burkolaton. A dekorációk és a színvilág is nagyon jó lett. :)

2021-04-28 10:28:39
User 20244259

Rita this looks fabulous!!!! The dark browns really help to create an atmosphere and the woods are rich and stunning. the attention to detail is also great as always;) please see mine!

2021-04-28 16:05:12
Hall Pat

Wow Rita! Que trabajo tan interesante su elección de texturas es sin duda atrevida y muy cálida. Me agrada como siempre logra que todo funcione tan bien incluso si son diferentes texturas. Agradezco mucho su comentario :)

2021-05-02 18:32:58