Wow! This is beautiful and so so nice! Those colours are amazing! Please see mine when it’s posted! I’ll comment again when it is! Best of luck :)
2021-04-26 17:50:32Mine is posted, please could you see it and comment on it! Good luck!
2021-04-26 18:18:12Привет. Очень интересно создано !!
2021-04-26 22:51:37wow this looks so nice!
2021-04-27 12:42:12én is szeretem az elrendezést és a színeket, you szép munkát végeztek!
2021-04-27 14:32:37Доброго вечера , Рита. Спасибо большое за добрый комментарий!))))
2021-04-27 18:13:59Hello to everyone! I would like to get your attention to something that I noticed. I spent 2 hours voting (web via Android) I got to round 130 and saw many projects being repeated, Some I recognized from the photo and others from the profile. Other projects in the first minutes of voting already had 4 stars, some that even when I was voting appeared without a star. And what are these profiles with USER and numbers that appear as false when they like something. I have in my favorites Hall Pat, mia, rizki, rita olahne and others and I couldn't find their projects. Something needs to be done, because anyone who is honest is being deceived.
2021-04-28 02:28:55And i like your work! :)
2021-04-28 02:29:44Szia Rita! Nagyon szép lett. Tetszik, hogy a kandalló mintázata megjelenik a mögötte lévő fal burkolaton. A dekorációk és a színvilág is nagyon jó lett. :)
2021-04-28 10:28:39Rita this looks fabulous!!!! The dark browns really help to create an atmosphere and the woods are rich and stunning. the attention to detail is also great as always;) please see mine!
2021-04-28 16:05:12Wow Rita! Que trabajo tan interesante su elección de texturas es sin duda atrevida y muy cálida. Me agrada como siempre logra que todo funcione tan bien incluso si son diferentes texturas. Agradezco mucho su comentario :)
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