Lillian Applebaum

Comments (5)

Hall Pat

Me gusta la idea del comedor esquinado, luce agradable, también me gusta que usarás colores azules. Bien echo. Te vote, te agradecería si visitaras mi proyecto y dejaras un comentario, sugerencia o tú like si te agrada (◠‿◕)

2020-08-22 14:38:44
User 9424078

2020-08-22 16:31:06

I think yours is great come see mine on page 14! I voted you come vote me! I REALLY WANT TO GET TO THE TOP 5, so please get me there! :) Thanks !! Benjamin Button Lover! STAY SAFE & WASH YO HANDS! I love your main pic, super cute!

2020-08-22 16:59:40

I voted for you. Your project is amazing. Please check out mine and vote. Mine is on page 1

2020-08-23 11:30:36
Lillian Applebaum

thanks, guys I checked yours out too

2020-09-25 22:00:50