Designer Good

Comments (11)

Hall Pat

Me gusta la sala y los colores de los cojines, son brillantes y dan un toque especial. Buena distribución.

2020-08-17 18:30:46

Hello I Love everything about yours!! You got my vote come see mine on page 14! I REALLY want to get to the top 5! I WILL 100% VOTE YOU ONLY IF YOU VOTE ME!! When voting starts I will vote you! Thanks ;-)

2020-08-17 21:37:24
Flame X Rose

I really love the ceiling ideaaa. Very creative :) i also love the placement of the furniture. It looks very nice. Please check mine out on page 3 and comment what you think.

2020-08-18 00:54:14
Designer Good

thanks i will do all

2020-08-19 02:15:35
Designer Good

gracias lo hare todo

2020-08-19 02:15:45
User 13280614

2020-08-20 02:43:37
Designer Good


2020-08-21 01:00:08
Hall Pat

Te vote, te agradecería si visitaras mi proyecto y dejaras un comentario, sugerencia o tú like si te agrada (◠‿◕)

2020-08-21 19:51:42
Designer Good


2020-08-21 20:18:53
Designer Good

ya miro

2020-08-21 20:19:02
Anonymous :)

I love yours. Very cozy and has a nice industrial feel.

2020-08-23 23:37:14