Minimalizmas ir eko

Suprojektuokite šviesų interjerą su mediniais akcentais.

Arabella M

Comments (18)

User 15281715

2021-01-04 03:41:07
User 15281715

2021-01-04 03:42:30

this is INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2021-01-04 05:43:54

Waw sist this is amazing !! come see mine on page 14 i thinks you will get more vote than mine couse your project is amazig good luck for the battle i love you

2021-01-04 07:17:02
Arabella M

Aw, thank you, everyone, for commenting!! You really made me smile!! I hope you have an awesome day!!! And I love you too sis!!!

2021-01-04 12:30:21

I really like it it’s very light and has wooden accents you might win!

2021-01-04 15:54:02
Arabella M

Thank you, Erica!! I really appreciate your comment!!!

2021-01-04 16:11:09
Gavin Such

This is a great design. The curtains are a great touch, with this being able to suit your needs as well.

2021-01-04 16:40:12

Hello happy new year, I love the way you chose the colors. Here's a bit of advice you want less stuff as posable because it is a minimalism disign. Please go check out my project on the last page.

2021-01-04 21:53:05
Arabella M

Thank you, Pikachu, for your comment!!! I will be sure to check out your project!

2021-01-04 22:00:52

I really like it, Please look at mine on page 117

2021-01-05 15:20:55
Arabella M

Thank you, and I will be sure to check yours out!

2021-01-05 15:21:39

love the white it makes your project stick out and that is good can't wait for you to make more of these you are so inspiring love all the effort you put into it can wait for other designs and happy New year to you too. bye

2021-01-05 22:27:29


2021-01-06 03:17:01

are you okay why you so quiet this days

2021-01-07 04:42:34
Arabella M

Yea, I'm okay, the school's really busy, and I have alot of homework, so I'm a bit quieter these days :)

2021-01-07 13:04:06

*Cries* Sist G Grandma d d died

2021-01-08 05:13:41
Arabella M

*cries* nooooo

2021-01-08 13:28:47