
Comments (3)

Elena Z

Hallo Yuri, it is so nice to be hearing from you again, I have been missing you! I hope everything it is fine! I am sorry I missed your project by this contest, but there are so many participants that it is become very difficult to look at every page in search of the ones you want to look at! Thanks a lot for your comment, nice as always

2021-02-17 18:22:10
Elena Z

I find your idea with the three focus points really interesting, and I really like this green/blue color that you used for the kitchen and the storage element, well done!

2021-02-17 18:24:00
Hall Pat

Yuri! Que bueno volver a ver sus diseños, que pena que no llegue a tiempo para verlo, de cualquier manera me gusta mucho como manejo el color verde, manteniendo todo con naturalidad. El detalle de las sillas distintas es muy divertido. Su uso de los colores brillantes siempre es muy agradable de ver, ese color púrpura resalta de un modo excelente. Espero seguir mirando más de sus proyectos pronto. Cuídese mucho.

2021-03-10 16:56:32