Suprojektuokite viešbučio kambarį - miegamąjį su vonios kambariu. Pagrindinė interjero spalva - ruda.
the simplest guest project entering the project we see a comfortable pouf in the corridor further we see a white arch this is the entrance to the bedroom we see in the corner a plasma TV on the floor there is a two-color striped gray floor and a white large window by the bed with beautiful blinds
2020-08-11 15:03:00next to a large wooden bed with soft pillows comfortable large wardrobe with a mirror
2020-08-11 15:04:40on the left we can see a bathroom with a white toilet bowl in a designer form a white bath with a long tap the floor is white and next to it there is a long comfortable sink
2020-08-11 15:08:16subscribe to me please so because of people like us as a designer the world will become even brighter and more interesting
2020-08-11 15:09:39I love you all
2020-08-11 15:10:00what difference does it make who to which nation we are still brothers and sisters, no matter how we look, we are all the same people
2020-08-11 15:11:07thank you very much
2020-08-11 15:11:34Amen!! I totally agree! You're description is absolute poetry btw, I really love it! If you'd be so kind as to check out my entry I'd be very grateful!! Thank you! Very nice!! page 65
2020-08-16 00:20:27Anksčiau užsiregistravote su šiais el. paštais:
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