I like your design!
2020-08-17 00:34:03i love how you expanded the leafs on the wall texture
2020-08-17 00:43:26I love your design! It looks really nice! In my opinion, it's a little to much colors, but other than that, it is nice! I'm the eighth person in page 1 if you're interested!
2020-08-17 01:04:33This is so good! Can definitely tell it's nature inspired. The wallpaper and enlarged photo look so nice and love the colour of the kitchen. Great job :)
2020-08-17 02:35:02thank you so much for your comment erin i think your project was very nice too
2020-08-17 04:32:55Very nice!
2020-08-17 12:27:03https://planner5d.com/contests/works/?page=2
2020-08-17 12:27:33like it very good...Nice job and don't forget to vote me at second page
2020-08-17 13:14:30I love your design so much!! I am being honest when I say that your design is my favorite. :) I love the nature theme idea. It is very unique and beautiful!! How did you guys get ottomans and armchairs?? I did not.
2020-08-17 15:38:00Thank you for your comment. I like the nature theme. And I'm also very happy we can change colors again.
2020-08-17 16:24:44It looks very professional. I will surely vote for you, once I can. Also, please remember to vote for me and comment. I'm on page 9.
2020-08-17 16:38:57Beautiful nature theme. Glad color was allowed again. Wonder if they will ever have an ocean theme? That would be cool.
2020-08-18 01:25:44Love it! Although it is a bit colorful for my style, it fits perfectly with the composition of the project that makes it really cozy. Good job!
2020-08-18 09:17:17Hey! I love your design I love the nature vibe, the vibrant greens and oranges are so cute, also the exposed wood. I also really like how open and bright your room is. I'm on page 13 if you want to check mine out
2020-08-18 17:07:19very nice i just started could you give me so pointers
2020-08-18 17:35:27Hi! I really like your design, it's very creative and colorful. Please vote for me. I am on page 24, and am voting for you.
2020-08-18 21:52:28Hello, please check my project in page 24 https://planner5d.com/contests/works/?page=24 And Renders : https://planner5d.com/storage/s/ae035e6b8cde41d654140c6b8ec06d88_1.jpg?v=1597787947 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/ae035e6b8cde41d654140c6b8ec06d88_206.jpg?v=1597788117 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/ae035e6b8cde41d654140c6b8ec06d88_207.jpg?v=1597788283
2020-08-18 22:15:25Merhaba ! evin şeklini çok beğendim düzenini güzel oluşturmuşsun, sadece tekli koltuk rengi biraz çiğ kalmış hoş bir ev onun dışında 22. sayfadayım bakmak istersen
2020-08-19 09:17:20Hello!!! I really like your design project !!! I will vote for you !!!!!!!!!!!!!! vote for me please! page 30
2020-08-19 13:38:25I'll be honest, your design is really nice, but the single seat and the coffee table in front of it are a little bright green, except that your design is beautiful.
2020-08-20 11:35:29I really like your project Erin! The nature theme and all the greens furniture. It really fit the project. Mine is quiet different and it's at page 11. https://planner5d.com/pt/contests/works/?page=11. Go see it, and give your feedback. I hope you like it! OH, I VOTED FOR YOU!
2020-08-21 01:42:05hi, i really like your project is amazing! i think you should win first place i voted for you. please vote for me on page 12
2020-08-21 03:08:21Buen diseño y trabajo. Me gusta lo verde en la cocina, pero no me gusta la posición de las pailas entre el comedor y la cocina; hay varios diseños con eso feo, tampoco me gusta donde colocaste las lámparas, el espejo sobre el lindo cuadro es un gran error. Sinceramente por eso no votaré por ti. Puedes comentar el mío al menos en la pág. 24
2020-08-21 14:49:47Very good I like all the cool color contrasts. I am on page 10! I voted for you!
2020-08-21 15:12:45This design is beautiful! I love the nature theme! You did an amazing job and I wouldn't be surprised if you got first. This might be the best design I've seen so far. It fits together perfectly and the colors work so well together. I'm definetly voting!
2020-08-21 23:54:32vota por el mío yo voto por el tuyo.e hiciste un buen trabajo!!!!!
2020-08-22 19:47:43:)
2020-08-23 02:48:49thanks!
2020-08-23 16:26:15. is there way that i could change my design right now even after i submitted?
2020-08-23 17:06:22WOW, I really like your's, there is a lot of color and you never get bored of looking because there is always something to look at, so I say you did fantastic and my page number is 1, so feel free to check that out and leave a comment!!!!:)
2020-08-23 19:24:42hi erin your project is amazing! i voted for you.please vote for me on page 12.
2020-08-23 19:30:58Thank you for the vote. I voted for you too.
2020-08-23 22:57:24they are going to announce the winners. one of them will be will and erin the poopy guys oooo speechless
2020-08-23 23:05:17not to be rude but how old are u
2020-08-23 23:44:26Also its cool that you work at a library
2020-08-23 23:44:48nice
2020-08-23 23:51:20your comment on mine is lighting up yellow. What does that mean?
2020-08-23 23:58:07because*
2020-08-24 00:35:20why u guys getting offended cuz u have yellow teeth thats natural esp for erin
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