Lucas Marquez
Membre depuis 2020
Travaux de concours publiés
Hey everyone, this is my Libary at home!! This is only my 2nd time ever entering this contest, but I think It is excellent! I hope you like it too and think it deserves your vote, if not then just leave a comment and tell me what I could of improving on. Anyway, thank you for stopping by and goodbye!
Hi everyone! This is my project!!! I have a living room, kitchen, dining room (on the roof) and so much more! I tried really hard and put more hours than I could count and I, personally, Think It really deserves your guy's vote. Now Don't just take my word for it and check it out yourself! If you think there was anything I should have improved on, or just wanna stop and say Hi, feel free! Anyway thanks for stopping by and have a good time looking!