Commentaires (79)

Hall Pat

Es muy espaciosa, además me gusta ese color púrpura :) Te agradecería si visitaras el mío y dejaras un comentario o sugerencia ;) https://planner5d.com/es/contests/detail/9035 Aquí un render de mi habitación ;) https://planner5d.com/storage/s/807e5dba0a21b990e09c53addfd177c5_3454960.jpg?v=1593409756 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/807e5dba0a21b990e09c53addfd177c5_3454975.jpg?v=1593411069

2020-06-29 16:38:28

Hi, R.S. I will vote 4 u and anyone else who does!! Good luck!! Also, plz vote 4 me!! Thx

2020-06-29 17:03:36

I'm on pg 14!!

2020-06-29 17:53:21

Wow its so cool, come see mine and comment, and when voting starts vote me! I really want to get to the top 5! Thanks! :)

2020-06-29 20:53:25
just_another_ theater_kid

dis is really coolhttps://planner5d.com/contests/detail/9057

2020-06-30 13:37:42

Thank you everyone!

2020-06-30 21:17:16
just_another_ theater_kid

i like how the sofa matches the uh i forgot what its called

2020-06-30 21:32:16
just_another_ theater_kid


2020-06-30 21:32:22

this is really cool im defs voting for you

2020-06-30 22:24:29

I really like it, its simple but nice and relaxing!

2020-06-30 22:30:21
User 12798674

2020-06-30 23:10:30
Interior Designsss

I like it! I really like the maroon color!!! https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/8986

2020-06-30 23:44:59

Nice job!

2020-06-30 23:49:17

Hey, I really like it! Did you read my description? Page 5.

2020-07-01 01:18:30

I will vote for you too tho!

2020-07-01 01:19:04
Potato chip

Thank you for the comment. Your room looks great.

2020-07-01 01:28:38
Luke Ott

What i would do is put a video game console on the side of the tv but other than that they are amazing

2020-07-01 01:31:56
Anonymous :)

I like the painting and the colors. I’m kinda confused why the tv is on the ground but other than that the layout is good. I would vote for you if I hadn’t seen you copy and paste your comments on multiple peoples projects. Thank you for reading.

2020-07-01 02:28:38

I love the color combo you choose.. ill vote for you! https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/9037/

2020-07-01 05:02:23
Ryan Weldink

its so great

2020-07-01 06:28:45

Hi! I love how you focussed on one color and how simple it is. But maybe you can still add some furniture in the entrance or add some plants in your room. But good job. I am definitely voting for you. https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/9051/

2020-07-01 06:35:37
Abdulqoudous Rahmani

i love the purple

2020-07-01 07:26:35
Sarah K.

I Love your room I am soo voting 4 u , thank you for commenting on mine!

2020-07-01 07:30:30

yours is amazing I am defintiely voting for you to

2020-07-01 07:45:13
yusuf somay

sooo nice

2020-07-01 08:02:54

Why should I vote for u

2020-07-01 08:03:44

super nice xx

2020-07-01 08:16:12
Sophie =)

love it will definitely vote for you here's my link https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/9127

2020-07-01 08:16:33
Rhea Jagadeesh

I really like it! It looks comfy and cosy! I will definitely vote 4 you. Thx 4 commenting on mine!

2020-07-01 08:20:20

Thank you for my comment, yes i will definately vote for you, i love your design

2020-07-01 09:33:31
Sim Dhanda

hey I'll surely vote for you, I love the maroon colour scheme https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/9132

2020-07-01 09:40:10

r.s i will vote 4 you to bye bye bye bye

2020-07-01 09:46:30
Born to be Wild

the color combination is awesome :-)

2020-07-01 10:47:30

I like how you made the doors close also I like the color.

2020-07-01 14:26:22
User 12039722

2020-07-01 16:07:47

thanx so much all of u

2020-07-01 16:55:10

I am totally voting for you! this is so cool!

2020-07-01 17:41:08

love it

2020-07-01 21:13:36

Amazing plzzz vote https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/9602 I will vote for u when voting starts

2020-07-02 05:06:17

Its ok "sigh"

2020-07-02 08:07:40

hey I'll vote for you, please vote as well https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/9135

2020-07-02 08:32:30
Cat lover

Love it

2020-07-02 09:21:01

cool nice theme!

2020-07-02 10:39:38

I love plz vote for me I will vote for you

2020-07-02 13:10:34

The colour combination looks great- i'll definitely vote for you

2020-07-02 14:33:44

Hi! I'll vote for you if you vote mine. Here's my link https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/9129 and comment down your link so I can vote for you! Thank you❤️

2020-07-03 04:38:09

It's cool. Vote for me if you like mine. https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/9608

2020-07-03 05:18:17

I voted for you, it looks nice

2020-07-03 07:43:43
Sim Dhanda

hi I voted for you please vote for me as well https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/9132

2020-07-03 08:32:39

hi i voted please vote as well https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/9135

2020-07-03 10:33:17

i voted 4 u pls vote 4 me https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/9150

2020-07-03 12:37:54
Shamroc fion

I voted pls vote for me PLEASEEEEEEEE https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/9893

2020-07-03 13:32:03
builder dude

its nice i voted for you.plz vote for me https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/9172/

2020-07-03 17:29:02
Interior Designsss

I voted for you! Please vote for me! Thank you! https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/8986

2020-07-03 17:40:14
Büşra Tekin


2020-07-03 19:27:34

I love the colors!!!! Nice combinations also!

2020-07-04 00:39:09

I voted for you :) https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/9037

2020-07-04 03:32:09
Flame X Rose

I’ve just voted for you :) https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/9033/

2020-07-04 03:36:17
Born to be Wild

Great design.Voted for you !

2020-07-05 06:00:05

Cool! I voted for you. https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/9156

2020-07-05 09:58:37


2020-07-05 10:58:02

wow! i love it! its soooooooooooo cool! i voted 4 u

2020-07-05 11:05:02
Sim Dhanda

hey i voted for you please do the same :) https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/9132

2020-07-05 11:06:21

You have my vote!

2020-07-05 12:02:59

Omg it is wonderful

2020-07-05 12:20:37

i vote

2020-07-05 12:54:11

thanks for the vote, i just voted for you :-) https://planner5d.com/fr/contests/detail/9270

2020-07-05 13:12:22

hi! i love your project!! i voted for you and i hope you will vote for me! https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/9304

2020-07-05 14:36:29
just_another_ theater_kid

no thats not howv it works

2020-07-05 16:46:56

cool theme

2020-07-05 17:02:28
Peanut Day

i voted

2020-07-05 17:53:14
Eren Yılmaz

Good project! Vote for you :)

2020-07-05 18:24:24


2020-07-05 19:56:16


2020-07-05 20:58:40

thank you so much everyone who voted for me!!! i rly appreciate it! i have voted for anyone who voted for me and sent a link

2020-07-05 21:01:51

I like your project. You had my vote.

2020-07-05 23:25:19

Hey! I've seen you always won the contest and its my first time winning. Can I ask how to claim the prize or it will directly added to your renders and textures?

2020-07-06 04:12:57


2020-07-07 21:08:55

I know what you do on purpose to say I like you to win, in your opinion how many others do this? Try to be honest because you see that in all the projects you and a certain Hall Pat there is always the same phrase. Like, I like you, I like you and you put it to me or beautiful, I'm sick of those who use this contest just to win !!! :-(

2020-07-15 20:51:25