I make one, pls choose the best angle...
2021-02-08 18:33:07this is sooo pretty!!! i love the small details like the cushions, the wallpaper and the small pictures!! pls see mine on p.41
2021-02-08 19:09:26Привет! Комната пылкой страстной любви!! Нравится выбранная мебель и её расстановка.
2021-02-08 19:22:10Ok
2021-02-08 19:52:59https://planner5d.com/storage/s/c0c398a5f87a60f647a0a7175100eb54_83.jpg?v=1612810947
2021-02-08 20:07:36Coming soon.
2021-02-08 21:14:59Wow, es un diseño realmente apasionado! Me encanta lo vibrante que es además de que aún con ese color rojo profundo no es demasiado, excelentes elecciones y ejecución. Muy bonito :) por cierto hermosos renders y muchas gracias por su comentario, lo aprecio mucho ;)
2021-02-08 21:38:44Hi Rita, thanks for your comments. I really like the shade of red you have used on the walls. It totally lives the theme and looks cosy.
2021-02-09 02:02:28Hi Rita :)! Your Valentine room looks really romantic. I love how you used only the frames of heart shaped mirrors and decorated wall panel above the fireplace with it! The layout is, also, very smart one and color story fits great into this week's theme. Great work!
2021-02-09 10:04:34Ready
2021-02-09 21:48:31Szia Rita! Klassz az elrendezés. A színek szépek, imádom a dekorációkat. A különböző színű " Love " feliratok különösen tetszenek. Romantikus hangulatot sugároz minden egyes részlet. :)
2021-02-10 12:04:10Hi Rita, you've got a lovely design. The shades of red are awesome. The layout and the sofa bed looks great!!! And thank You for your comment :)
2021-02-10 18:50:46Hi Rita, thanks for your comments. I really like the red you use on the wall. It really is very romantic. And I also like that the heart-shaped mirror frame above the fireplace looks great. Photo frames and dolls by the window are good too. I like them all. Good job.
2021-02-11 06:04:04You have prepared a wonderful project. I can only imagine staying in this beautiful room. Great
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