Que lindo diseño, me encantan esos amarillos vibrantes y las cortinas al rededor de la cama, una forma muy ligera de dividir el espacio, bien echo. También bonito render :)
2021-01-25 14:42:38Beautiful design, @ Born to be wild! I love the pops of yellow! Yellow is my fav color :) Please feel free to click on my name above and check out my design, thanks!
2021-01-25 18:33:48Hi, I first came across your render, your plan looks fantastic! I like the industrial style, the kitchen and its lights look really great, I also like the curtain bed and the yellow fridge.
2021-01-25 19:11:09Oh cool!! I like the floor that you chose and the curtains that you put next to that bed is nice! If you want to see mine it is on page 108! Yours are always so good!
2021-01-25 19:48:07Hey Sandhya, lovely design !!! The stone floor looks amazing and all the colors contrasted are feeling nice and warm. The dining is just perfect ...And btw thank you for your comment :)
2021-01-26 16:47:50I like it. Please check out mine.
2021-01-27 15:49:14Very interesting project. I like the choice of combination of brick on the walls and stone on the floor. This daring of yours in the choice of colors (dark-light / calm and provocative) looks really nice. Great.
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