Sofia Siraj

Commentaires (31)


wow yours is amazing! you totally deserve to win! no doubt about it! xxxxx I am your number one fan! your rooms are so aesthetic! I love them! xxxxxx :) ❤️

2020-06-01 09:14:37

2020-06-01 10:29:23

are you a professional??

2020-06-01 10:29:45
Sofia Siraj

Hi! No I am not a professional! just a teen! lol thanks so much you seem like such sweet person! your rooms are amazing as well! xx

2020-06-01 10:32:11

i love it please vote for me on page 12

2020-06-01 18:53:36
Daniel Radcliffe

Hi! I am only ten. Your room is my favorite and I was hoping you could give me some tips on how to make my houses like yours? Please vote for me! I am on page one number one. Thanks,GOOD LUCK,and have FUN!!

2020-06-01 22:39:14

Hi! Your room is great! I am also a teen so quite new to this. I was wondering wether you would be able to take a look at my room and let me know what you think! I think your room is the best I've seen so far. Hope you do well, xoxo

2020-06-02 02:28:25
Sofia Siraj

omg thanks so much guys! that's so sweet! Will go find yours xxx

2020-06-02 07:04:26
Sofia Siraj

Hi Emma, was looking through and could not find yours was wondering if you could copy and paste the link here thanks! xx

2020-06-02 07:22:46

Sure, thank you very much. Here it is: Thanks again, xoxo

2020-06-02 08:50:45
Sofia Siraj

no worries! xx

2020-06-02 09:29:45
Anoushka Sarin

Really nice design! I love it! Please vote for me too! Here is the link-

2020-06-02 13:05:58


2020-06-02 14:22:06
Sofia Siraj


2020-06-02 14:32:39

I love it! I will vote for you, please vote for me, I'm on page 45!

2020-06-03 11:08:35
Sofia Siraj

k sure. x

2020-06-03 11:09:43

I will vote for you! Please vote for me! Here's the link!

2020-06-03 14:43:54

Very cute! You put so much detail into your design! Please vote/ comment on my design :) I will vote for you too! Good luck!

2020-06-03 15:11:10

nice im 8 and pleas vote for me rreeeeely like it

2020-06-03 16:15:31
Daniel Radcliffe

So coooooooooooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllllllll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2020-06-03 16:42:36
Interior Designsss

Really nice bedroom!

2020-06-04 00:59:14

It's um...okay I guess...colours look weird... PAUSE for a moment. IF YOU REALLY THOUGHT I was saying the truth your wrong. THIS IS A WORK OF ART. it's BUEATIFUL!!! I LOVE IT!! omg Omg OMg OMG! your so talented! what a stunning kid friendly design! I love it :) check out my page and smash that like button plus leave a comment! ~stay safe~

2020-06-04 06:53:42
Sofia Siraj

thanks guys! x will be sure to check yours out!

2020-06-04 07:36:08

i love your design. i will vote for you. could you vote for me on page 61

2020-06-04 16:24:47

your room looks really good i will be voting for you please share my work with others if you can: also please comment your link on my room so i can remember to vote for you please also vote for me!!!

2020-06-04 21:53:02

I love your's! Mine is on page 11. I want you to be in the top 5!

2020-06-04 23:13:15

WOW! I am breathless yours is WAY better than mine ( )AMAZING! YOU 100% have my vote! JUST WOW! I love it all and the choice of the wallpapers. Great job. Can you vote for me because I only will have like 5 votes? I am only 11 and I got 4th last week but I need to get higher so please vote for me because you have my vote on yours. Thanks! Owen O'Neill

2020-06-06 13:12:35
User 10840096

2020-06-06 14:55:50
designer KT

so cool! you did a great job! please check out mine on page 22 here is a link!

2020-06-06 15:52:21

Wow, your project is really wonderful!

2020-06-07 15:06:07

i love it! i voted for u, pls vote for me on page 20

2020-06-07 17:04:01